About Us
About Us
Our vision for this website is to support people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes to live their lives to the full in North West London.
We aim to do this by providing access to the latest information for living well so everyone can live a happier and longer life.
How do I get my Preventing Diabetes account?
You might receive a text message from your GP practice with an invitation to create your free NHS Preventing Diabetes account. If you get this text message, please follow the link to register for your account. Alternatively, you may receive an invite from us directly by email to create your account. You can also create your account anytime by clicking the 'Register' button at the top of the page.

What We Do
The Preventing Diabetes Service has three key parts:
1. A website where you can learn about prediabetes/NDH and track your progress with access to your health record.
2. A single place for NHS Professionals and people at risk of diabetes to find information about local resources they can access to manage their risk of type 2 diabetes.
3. Person-centred communications via email or text(SMS) to provide people with the right information at the right time based on their individual needs and preferences.
English not your first language?
We have this handy tool called ReachDeck (see orange icon at the bottom right of the page) that can help turn our pages into a language you understand.
This video will show you how to use each feature on the ReachDeck toolbar.